In The Interim

Hello! How are you? Are you healthy and somewhat sane?

While the world seems to be shut down, I’m away from my studio. The arts facility where my studio is housed is closed to the public and so naturally I haven’t gotten in to create with metals.

Instead I have been working on my garden, going down the internet rabbit hole of online plant descriptions and jealousy-inspiring colorful blooms. I could easily spend a thousand bucks on yardwork improvements right now but… no. I planted some nasturtium seeds and bought a big bag of mixed pollinator wildflower seeds so perhaps we will have some summer color after all. My gardening is pretty limited to whatever I can wedge in during Wesley’s short naptimes.

During these days trapped at home, the messes seem to absolutely multiply. I can find time to create the insane clutter but never the time to clean up. By the time baby is down for bed I am swirling in a maelstrom of manically friendly Fisher-Price toys. Each ostensibly comes with 95,000 balls that are magnetically drawn to the deepest, dustiest reaches of the furniture underworld. I spend five minutes corralling the toys and then collapse into the dog hair - riddled sofa with a brownie or ten. I can clean the pan next week.